Self Learning – An Asset To Yourself

upscaling the skills

The most beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. Every organization strives a lot to impart sufficient learning opportunities to its employees. At this stage of time where the whole world is going through the pandemic of COVID-19, more than half of the world is under lockdown and you have no other option but to stay at home.

Itโ€™s fortunate for the IT industry that they can still run the businesses by providing work from home options to its employees and the โ€œshow is onโ€. But itโ€™s also the time to do our own SWOT analysis and identify our skills. Letโ€™s look at our weak areas and identify ways to do self-learning and enhance skills.

Organizations invest a lot in upscaling the skills of their employees by conducting various training programs. Itโ€™s one of the kinds of investments that organizations do for their employees. Always remember, the learning that you attain from such training programs remains always with you, even after your exit from the company. However, an organization always remains at risk as with the exit of the employee the provided skills will also be lost.

It has been observed that an employee stays with the organization for long if he gets the growth opportunities, stability, and recognition. All this is indirectly linked with the self-learning ability of the employee because the more skilled you are, the more are the opportunities to grow.

Now, since the whole world is under the effect of COVID-19, it is predicted that the economy will surely go down which would further result in mass job cuts across the industries. In such adverse situations when the companies have to take hard decisions, one of the most important factors is the โ€œskillsโ€ of the employee which would be taken into consideration. Every organization will prefer to retain the employee who has high learning ability, who has been regularly upgrading himself, and who displays skills required to sustain the business.

In such scenarios, even people who have been staying for long with the company but have limited themself to particular technologies or vertical, and have not upgraded themselves with time are the ones who would be at the target at Top.

Such adverse situations help you understand the importance of learning.

Whenever anyone talks about skill enhancements, most of the people struggle with time constraints and hence lose focus. Now, since we are all able to save the commute time, it has become easier to identify your improvement areas and start working towards its enhancements.

Technology has enabled all of us to manage our work in the most effective manner even in such a global situation. Thanks to the internet which is still loaded with a decent no. of free courses ready to help us build better skills.

NovelVox is one such organization that has โ€œPeople Developmentโ€ as one of the core values and has been providing various platforms to enable its employees to build better skills.

  • By making self-learning as one of the parameters in our performance assessment process, we have ensured that every NovelVoxian is focussed on it and keeps on building his/her competencies accordingly.

  • NovelVox is not just limited to performance assessment, it has provided various platforms where people get ample opportunities to enhance their skills like Tech Talk sessions where NovelVoxians display their knowledge about technology and share the same with others.

  • The company has recently initiated a โ€œBe a bloggerโ€ competition wherein employees could write blogs and post it on the company website.

  • Various award categories based on the learning abilities of an employee and initiatives towards learning conduct regularly at NovelVox.

  • We are also coming up with our internal portal where we would be designing and creating training modules for NovelVoxians on various technologies to benefit every techie involved with NovelVox.

All of the above-mentioned activities are still on during the lockdown and NovellVoxians are able to utilize all the available platforms and contribute to building their own assets by Self Learning. Even in this global pandemic, we are unstoppable, we are all together.

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