7 Time Management Tips For Working Moms

Time Management Tips For Working Moms

A study suggests that after becoming mothers, only 27% of Indian women advance in their careers and continue to be part of the workforce. Various factors contribute to this like, unavailability of crรจche facilities, lack of necessary family support, odd working hours/ rotational shifts, etc which makes it just not possible to continue.

However, in the past few years, due to technological advancements and the adoption of liberal & employee-friendly policies, working from home is no more a challenge. We can easily set up our workstation at home and start working with a simple internet connection.

On the occasion of Motherโ€™s day, letโ€™s take this current workforce scenario of โ€œwork from homeโ€ a step ahead and learn how a work-at-home mother can be more productive and successful while taking care of herself and the family.

With organizational responsibilities on one hand and household activities & demanding children on the other, letโ€™s hear out from all mothers working at Novelvox about their thoughts on managing this dual responsibility. Letโ€™s learn what they are doing to make the maximum out of this work-from-home trend.

1. Stay fit:

We have all been hearing since ages that โ€˜Health is wealthโ€™ and today at the arrival of this pandemic, it has proven so right. Today, when the whole world is struggling to find a vaccine for COVID-19, building immunity has popped out as the only way out to protect ourselves from this deadly situation. Itโ€™s very important for every working mom to stay healthy, as only this way you will be able to take care of your family and work. So, make sure that you fix a morning workout schedule for yourself, practice Yoga or do some Zumba, and maintain a healthy diet.

2. Fix a schedule and stick to that:

This global pandemic has affected people of all categories including our housemaids. In this lockdown situation, they can not come to us to offer household help. Hence, we need to do the house chores by ourselves which is an add-on to a working momโ€™s task list. To align this new temporary task in your task list, you need to fix up a time to get your household work done so that it doesnโ€™t disturb your office schedule. If possible, make your colleagues aware of your online working hours to accept official calls in the evening or early morning.

3. Share responsibility with your partner:

There was a time when the male in the family was the bread earner and female was responsible for household work only, but now since both of you are running your finances shoulder to shoulder, then household responsibilities should also be shared among both in such a way that it doesnโ€™t overload any one of you. If your children are old enough to help you in your routine stuff, then do involve them in. This will help them learn the value of sharing loads together.

4. Fix a schedule for the kids:

It may seem difficult to accomplish but if handled well, it can be an effective tip for sure. Now, when even schools are not operational, the best way to manage kids is to fix a schedule for watching TV, lunch/dinner, sleep time, and even studies. Do make them understand the importance of the same.

5. Create a home office:

One of the aspects which we all miss while working from home is the proper workstation. Make sure that you define a place in your home which is your workstation, so once you are there everyone in the family knows you are at work and you also get that feel. Avoid considering your bed or sofa as your workstation at home.

6. Take regular breaks:

Like we take Tea/lunch breaks in the office, you must take regular breaks and maintain good dialogue exchange with family members.

7. Me time:

Being a working mom, most of the time we forget that we have our own life also. In the struggle of keeping everyone happy, we at times forget that we have our own likes and dislikes. So, make sure to book some โ€˜me timeโ€™ for yourself to do things that give you happiness. It could be simply watching some TV serials, web series, gardening, or cooking your favorite cuisine.

Hope these tips make your journey of a working mom a bit easier. Always remember, as a working mother you wear multiple hats that require lots of energy, stamina, and an active brain. To be able to give your 100% to each role you play, do consider your health a priority. Take care of yourself the way you take care of your family. We salute all mothers who are playing the role of a super mom at home and a superwoman at the office.

Wish you all a very Happy Motherโ€™s Day!!

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