ECE+ Gadget
Deliver Connected Customer Experience
Across Voice, Chats, and Email
Empower your agents to be more proactive and resourceful while handling interactions across email and chat with ECE+, NovelVox’s customized and readily implementable add-on for Cisco ECE gadget. ECE+ helps enhance the default Cisco ECE gadget by letting you add custom functionalities and triggers to help you deliver the best and most accurate multi-channel service seamlessly.

Holistic View
Increase the contact center efficiency by bringing a holistic view of all the queues and the interactions in queues on a unified screen, enabling contextual and connected agent experience.

Cherry Picking
Enable the agents to cherry pick the most important interactions first and deliver well-rounded resolutions that improve contact center performance as well as customer satisfaction.

Supervisor Support
Enable the supervisor to effectively manage the workload of their agents by providing a complete view of their agents and the interactions on which they are working, with additional capabilities to reassign an interaction from within the Novelvox Gadget itself.

Increased Efficiency
Enhance the power of Cisco ECE gadget to streamline repeated tasks and improve efficiency for your agents with the use of quick reply templates and signatures and distribution list.
Customize ECE+ to Suit Your Needs
Ensure the ECE+ gadget is designed to suit your specific needs with 100+ integration and drag-and-drop design studio to make particular modifications in the interface. Whether you are a financial institute looking to equip your agents with relevant customer information and mortgage details or a D2C firm looking to deliver a connected customer experience, NovelVox Designer Studio will help you ECE+ to help you make the most of your CISCO ECE gadget.

Why NovelVox?

16+ Years of Experience
More than 16 years of proven track record for delivering meaningful and lasting contact center solutions across the industry.

Global Clientele
We have deployed more than 350 projects across 20 countries for more than 100 firms to help them improve efficiency and productivity.

Industry-specific Solutions
Drive efficiency and productivity with industry-optimized contact center and customer service solutions.
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