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Transforming CX with Conversational AI Chatbots

By- Rahul Mishra


71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions, and 76% of them get frustrated when it doesn’t happen.


In a world where personalized interactions are paramount, conversational AI can prove to be a game changer.


Conversational AI is a type of AI that uses Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to simulate human-like conversation. Conversational AI can understand intent and learn from user behavior to deliver a better customer experience.

What is a Conversational AI Chatbot?

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Increased Productivity

A conversational AI chatbot is available all day everyday, increasing your customer interaction productivity and efficiency.

Benefits of a Conversational AI Chatbot

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Personalized Service

Conversation chatbot platforms identify and recognize users and provide them personalized and contextual interaction similar to what a human agent would do.

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Consistent Support

Your customers reach out to you through different platforms. A conversational AI chatbot ensures that no matter where they reach out their experience remains consistent.

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Continue where your customers left off, regardless of the platform with AI chatbot software that recognizes patterns and delivers faster resolutions across channels.
